Loan $25 to change lives through Kiva

By Brian Baulch | Blog

Jun 11
Image representing Kiva as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

KIVA is just one of the unique programs we have come across with to help someone, where you can be really certain where your financial support is going and it’s growing. We all know that many charities or organizations just give out directly, which is great but it’s not there for long term for the needy. The best way we can balance is to give someone their tools and they can use that tool for long term in a fruitful way.

We wanted to let you know about Kiva (, a non-profit that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur around the world.

You choose who to lend to – whether a Sari-Sari (General) Store in the Philippines, a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia,  or a tailor in Iraq, etc… – and as they repay their loan, you get your money back or it’s up to your choice.

It’s a powerful and sustainable way to empower someone right now to lift themselves out of poverty.

“Make a Small Loan, Make a Big Difference”

Please check out how Kiva really works by clicking the banner below:

Kiva - loans that change lives

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