Tag Archives for " travel "

Jan 01

Why Westerners Retire in Asia [Infographic]

By Brian Baulch | Blog

The infographic verbalises for itself via retireinasia.com, why do westerners retiring in Asia. Why not? It’s one of the best affordable and great countries to choose, stay and live longer especially if you decide where more sustainability is inspirited. Asians do have more vigorous family ties in general, especially where most of the Asian countries […]

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Feb 01

Just One Plunge Away

By Brian Baulch | Blog

“While others are standing on the shore waiting for their ships to come in, TAKE THE PLUNGE and swim out to meet YOURS!” ~by Carl Mays   Recharging at the shore and plunging ourselves to meet our rescue into the other coast and deep we go to explore the chilling sea waves embracing our faces […]

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