How a blogger edit or delete spam comments?

By Brian Baulch | Blog

Nov 16

Or shall we say how bloggers can put up with heavy spammers’ comment? Are you more than a conqueror or a victim of non-sense spammers or a spam bots?

Spam bot Image via:

These are just one of the regular activities that a blog editor must have to conquer every day to clean and edit comments sent by spammers every second or every minute. If you are a serious reader and leave comments on a site you like then you are not a spammer. No matter how these spammers leave comment on your website before it appears on your blog, we have to be patient and filter them as much as we can. Comments are great to drive traffic to your website but it needs discernment to pick what kind of comment you filter in your website. The easiest way is to check their websites if they sound like too good to be true besides from the obvious then those comments will be spam from our site.

1)      Websites that contains pornography marketers are filtered out or deleted.

2)      Websites that contains blatantly adsense with no soul content but just adsense!

3)      Websites that is full of games and nothing but games.

4)      Spammers that leave three, tens, twenties, or hundreds of comments on every page of your blog deserved to be spam filtered forever.

5)      Although avatars are not important but if you are serious blogger, social networker or an online marketer you must have at least a good photo or avatar icon otherwise a built-in avatar will give you an ugly face! (like the sample snapshot below)

6)      If you just leave comment just to link back your website that’s fine! You’re in as long as your comment is making sense.

7)      Spammers that are leaving comment on blog post or blog page that is not making sense to its content.

8)      Watch out those spam bots, they’re indeed nasty in the cyber space! Spammers that are robotic nothing but a slave spamming decent websites every second of the day on the Internet world.

and many others to mention….

***From our “dashboard” does comprise our “blog stats” where we can easily edit everyone’s comments or spammers on our site. Currently we can see the red arrow is showing us 2,154 spams. The reasons these spam comments are not auto blocked because some readers leave decent comments but the rest can be heavy spammers.

***The following snapshot below shows a sample where to edit those comments. Some of their names can be as bad as their non-sense comments.

***The snapshot below shows how ugly these spammers look like on their avatars! Of course it does not always work that way because some readers or guests who leave decent comment may not have website or avatar.

Tip: Make sure you don’t delete decent or good comment that is filtered on your spam page. It only needs patience and keen of a cat’s eyes to read those comments left by your readers or decent guests.

We are so thankful for for all your comments on our site. It’s a continuous journey and we learn new things every day in this information generation or digital age. We do take our time to filter them all as we’re humans not bots. We try to reply back those comments that are needed to be addressed or even personal.

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